There has been some discussion recently, in IRC, issue queues, and blogs, about the Drupal 7 database API and its impact on supporting different database engines. While I am still trying to avoid large amounts of public distraction, especially when we're supposed to be trying to get a Drupal 6 beta 1 out the door, I feel it's important to get a few points cleared up lest they lead to confusion later.
Before we begin, in the interests of disclosure, my own database experience is about 95% MySQL and 5% MS SQL. I last touched Oracle back in grad school, very very briefly, and have never worked with DB2. So, there's my bias.
I am also quite in favor of getting Drupal working on more database backends. That is not the main focus of my work with PDO (richer API potential is), but it is a feature that I wan to enable if at all possible.
First off, we need to understand that there is no one type of database abstraction layer. The best treatment of this subject I've seen is over on Xaprb's blog (geez, people, you can't use your real name on a tech blog?), where he lays out four different types of database layers. In short:
- Access libraries
- The mysql_, mysqli_, pgsql_, etc. functions all fall into this category. All they do is provide language bindings, really, and are not really an abstraction layer.
- Common API libraries
- This level provides a common language API to multiple databases, but doesn't abstract database operations (SQL statements) themselves. PDO lives here.
- Portable SQL libraries
- This is the first layer that provides any sort of SQL abstraction. How much abstraction varies widely. Examples here include PEAR::DB, PEAR::MDB2, ADOdb, and Drupal's existing database functions.
- Object-Relational Mappers
- I actually disagree with limiting this layer to just ORMs, as Active Record libraries and any other "write logic, not SQL" library falls into this category. The basic idea here is that you do not write SQL. You call
on an object and the SQL just sorta happens for you in whatever way it needs to. Propel, Doctrine, and strict Rails frameworks would all qualify here.
I highly recommend reading Xaprb's blog, as it goes into much more detail about the pros and cons of each method.
Drupal's current database API is a mixture of levels 2 and 3, written using strictly level 1 APIs. That was all well and good in 2000, but not in 2008 (when Drupal 7 is expected to ship).
The goal of the new API is to take an existing and well-tested level 2 API, PDO, and implement a mixture of levels 3 and 4 on top of it. That provides two main advantages, in order of importance (to me, at least):
- Richer, more powerful APIs that make getting real work done easier.
- A higher level of abstraction under which to offer more varied database backends (level 1).
The reason we can do that is because the level 1->level 2 heavy lifting is done for us. That lets us focus on higher levels. And make no mistake: those higher levels are important. The whole point of an API is to make doing common or ugly things simple and consistent. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with abstracting out common SQL patterns to non-SQL syntax, if it makes the programmer's job easier. Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't. True, it is not "the job of the database abstraction layer" to abstract away SQL itself... if you are talking about level 2 database layers. If you're talking about level 3 or level 4, then abstracting away SQL itself, at least to some extent, is the whole point.
Each of our stated goals has its own challenges, of course.
First, we want to make sure we build a rich API that makes simple and moderately complex things easy while making hard things possible and hopefully easier. We don't want to exclude certain hard edge cases from the realm of possibility, because you know that as soon as you do you'll find a reason you need that obscure functionality and will be kicking yourself for making it impossible. We also don't want to force people to learn a completely obscure and proprietary data access layer lingo the way that, say, Doctrine does. (Nothing against Doctrine per se, it just wouldn't work for Drupal.) That means we need to abstract far enough to make common tasks easier but not so far that non-common tasks are impossible.
For supporting more databases, there are a whole host of problems. For one, the SQL standard itself is ill-supported by, well, everything. Even common tasks like inserting data or creating tables are not common across all databases. CREATE TABLE syntax is subtly different in every database. Some need extra treatment for values that aren't trivially small (Large OBjects, or LOBs), and that treatment is very different on different databases. In order to support widely different SQL syntax, we need to have some syntax that module developers can use that will work on all of them without having to switch() on the database type and run different code in each case.
That means we can do one of three things:
- Support a lowest-common-denominator only.
- Invent our own SQL-ish syntax that each database backend can mutate as it needs.
- Provide a non-SQL layer for developers that can be translated into database-specific SQL on the fly (level 4).
Method 2 we dismiss out of hand. SQL is a serialized data format for structured (relational) data. It is serialized by PHP code (in our case) to a string, and then deserialized by the SQL server, which has a very big and complex algorithm for doing so that is way better than anything we could write in PHP. If you need to parse and modify a serialized data structure, you have a design flaw. It means you serialized the data too early. It's also slow and error-prone. Let us not speak of it again.
Method 1 stands in the way of supporting more databases because different databases aren't direct subsets of each other's functionality. Oracle is not a strict subset of DB2's features, DB2 is not a strict subset of PostgreSQL, etc. That means we'd be limited to functionality that existed in every supported database and existed the same way. If we take this argument to an extreme, that leaves out INSERT queries entirely since they work differently for Oracle, DB2, and MySQL. Even Oracle admits that "Platform-neutral" SQL is not a good idea. Clearly that is not an option.
That leaves Method 3: Provide a non-SQL layer on top of the SQL drivers that works on data structures rather than raw SQL, and let each database backend build the SQL for us. That is, actually, exactly what Drupal's existing database API and nearly all other level 3 and 4 abstraction layers do. It's just a matter of degrees between db_query_range() and an Active Record's objects. It also is the perfect place to implement that richer API we want, too.
"But wait!" I hear you cry. "SQL is already an abstraction layer on top of relational databases." That is an absolutely wonderful theory. In practice, though, SQL is not standardized enough to make writing non-trivial queries that works on an arbitrary databases possible. Blame database vendors, blame the SQL standards committees, blame Elvis, it doesn't matter. SQL is not, in a practical sense, sufficiently standardized to be treated as a standard.
An important factor in designing that abstraction layer is that it has to be simple. It has to be simple enough for developers to use it without more effort than it would take to simply write SQL for each database directly. A key attribute of a good interface design (API, computer, or physical) is that it makes doing the "right thing" easy.
Now, let's consider that the vast majority of Drupal sites right now run on MySQL. PostgreSQL is nominally supported, but most contrib modules are never tested or vetted against PostgreSQL. Many don't even include PostgreSQL install queries, because the developers are MySQL people and have no concept of PostgreSQL's syntax differences. As Edison Wong (who has been working very hard to get Oracle support into Drupal in recent months) points out, we have special BLOB handling wrappers for PostgreSQL because PostgreSQL requires BLOB data types to be escaped differently than strings. How many modules actually do that, however? I would wager most contrib module authors, by number, don't even know that PostgreSQL requires different handling for certain data types. They aren't scared by it because they don't even know about it.
That was one of the many goals behind the Schema API in Drupal 6, as I understand it. There is now a non-SQL abstraction for schema management (table creation, modification, and deletion) that has database-specific code to translate that non-SQL code (nested arrays, of course) into database-specific SQL. That buys developers both database portability and richer data introspection. That means, and this is very important:
MySQL-centric developers write PostgreSQL-compatible Data Definition code by default without having to know about PostgreSQL's idiosyncracies.
That's the "right way" to handle cross-database compatibility. Abstract it just enough that the developer writing the code doesn't have to know the ins and outs of a half-dozen different database systems. We have an army of MySQL-familiar developers. Getting them to learn PostgreSQL and Oracle and DB2 as well is a losing battle. Getting them to use APIs that are familiar to them but support those databases automatically is a better strategy.
For Oracle, the main idiosyncrasy is LOB handling. The concept of LOBs does not exist in the mind of a MySQL-based developer. From their point of view, the requirement to specially escape LOBs or issue multiple statements to handle them correctly is a bug, not a feature. The lowest common denominator here is Oracle (and DB2), not MySQL. Dragging Drupal down to the lowest common denominator will only raise the barrier to new developers (most of whom will have a MySQL background if they have an SQL background at all), alienate existing developers, and hurt the project in the long run.
(I freely admit that there may be very good technical reasons why Oracle and other "Enterprisey" databases require the user to jump through extra syntactic hoops for LOB data. I really don't know. But to a MySQL developer, which is virtually our entire labor pool right now, it's pointless busy work.)
So how do we get MySQL developers to write Oracle or DB2 code without having to deal with Oracle or DB2? Just as with PostgreSQL, we give them an API that does it for them and provides added functional benefit. To wit, db_insert($table, $fields)
. At the module developer level, all they do is provide the system with a table and fields to insert. At an abstract level, that's all an INSERT statement is. SQL is just a serialization of it, and in the case of INSERT a very bad one if you're doing prepared statements because you have to repeat every field three times: once in the field list, once as a placeholder, and once as a value. If you have long queries with lots of fields, or god forbid a dynamic set of fields to insert, the code gets horribly ugly. Every Drupal developer can handle a single associative array, however. For MySQL, that array gets translated into an actual prepared statement query like this:
function insert($table, $fields) {
$insert_fields = array_keys($fields);
$insert_values = array_values($fields);
$placeholders = array_fill(0, count($insert_values), '?');
return $connection->query('INSERT INTO {' . $table . '} (' . implode(',', $insert_fields) . ') VALUES (' . implode(',', $placeholders) . ')', $insert_values);
For Oracle, it would look something more like this (untested, since I don't actually use Oracle, but this is the general idea):
function insert($table, $fields, $delay = FALSE) {
$insert_fields = array_keys($fields);
$insert_values = array_values($fields);
$schema = schema_get_schema($table);
$placeholders = array_fill(0, count($insert_values), '?');
$sql = 'INSERT INTO {' . $table . '} (' . implode(',', $insert_fields) . ') VALUES (' . implode(',', $placeholders) . ')';
$statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
$i = 1;
foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
$type = in_array($schema['fields'][$field]['type'], array('text', 'blog')) ? PDO::PARAM_LOB : NULL;
$statement->bindParam($i++, $value, $type);
return $statement;
Now, all of those module developers who cut their teeth on MySQL and think a LOB is a slow throw of a baseball get a nice, structured way to execute an insert statement, that handles type-safe escaping and prepared statements for them without any effort on their part, and we can translate it for MySQL, Oracle, or any other database we want. The developer doesn't even have to provide field type data to indicate which fields should be LOBs, because the Schema API provides that information for us. More powerful API, multi-database support for free, single interface. Everybody wins!
As always, this post ended up far longer than I intended it to. The story of my life. :-) However, I hope it will put to rest the question of "favoring one database". We should favor developers, and make their life as easy as possible. The hard stuff, which includes BLOB an LOB handling, is not the developers' job. It's the abstraction layer's job. That's what it means to "abstract" the problem in the first place.
Happy coding!
The list looks malformed to
The list looks malformed to me, so I don't know what #2 you're talking about. Looking at the HTML, it's a mixture of empty <li> and <P>...
1. Support a lowest-common-denominator only.
3. Invent our own SQL-ish syntax that each database backend can mutate as it needs.
Provide a non-SQL layer for developers that can be translated into database-specific SQL on the fly (level 4).
That's what I get for writing HTML after midnight. *sigh* Code is fixed now. Thanks.
Meaningless for any abstraction if only working with MySQL
I would like to comment about this point by point:
$db = new PDO('oci:', 'scott', 'tiger');
$stmt = $db->prepare("insert into images (id, contenttype, imagedata) " .
"VALUES (?, ?, EMPTY_BLOB()) RETURNING imagedata INTO ?");
$id = get_new_id(); // some function to allocate a new ID
// assume that we are running as part of a file upload form
// You can find more information in the PHP documentation
$fp = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], 'rb');
$stmt->bindParam(1, $id);
$stmt->bindParam(2, $_FILES['file']['type']);
$stmt->bindParam(3, $fp, PDO::PARAM_LOB);
Please don't miss out the needs of "EMPTY_BLOB()", "INSERT INTO ... RETURNING ... INTO ..." style, and "PDO::PARAM_LOB" :)
Don't just focusing and working with MySQL only, as we are talking about database abstraction. We will need to understand the differences between different database, their PROS and CONS, before implementing a suitable and powerful ABSTRACTION. It is no point to call myself as "database abstract layer developer" if I just know about MySQL, or PgSQL, or Oracle, or DB2, or any ONE AND THE ONLY ONE database system. It is always welcome to join Oracle driver (, DB2 driver ( and MSSQL driver ( development, as it is a good chance for enrich the understanding between different database. Don't waste your time, come and join the development on today :)
Take a look at Gallery 2
I'm pretty happy with the storage abstraction layer of Gallery 2. There are sure things that are less than ideal, but it's pretty good.
I'm mentioning it because it seems to address most of your needs:
- Using adodb to abstract PHP's DB access API
- API to abstract some DB features that differ often and aren't covered by adodb
- ORM with load/save methods
- API to add/get/update/delete table records
- API for free-form SQL statements
- Parameter-binding everywhere
- XML/annotation based definition of the schema / table structure / upgrade (ALTER) code
- Transparent data-normalization when fetching data from / putting data into the DB, including BLOBs
- Support for transactional and non-transactional sessions
- Forcing proper collation (unicode)
- Provides a locking backend
Currently we support MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, and MSSQL. SQLite has just been added.
Not sure what we'll do when dropping PHP 4 support next year. I guess we'll use PDO for all databases.
And I guess that will also mean that we'll replace adodb with a lighter solution, merging some features from adodb (sequence abstraction, metacolums, metatables) into our DB specific storage classes.
What's missing are optional params to tell the API whether the queries need to go to a master or can go to a slave DB instance.
On the other hand, you can tell it what operations need to be executed within the transaction and which must be outside of the transaction.
Unfortunately, there's not much documentation.
There are the API docs:…
And some tutorials:
Example interactions:
$item->save(); // calls Entity::save() which calls $storage->saveEntity($this)
GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry('SomeTableName', array('someField' => false, 'otherField' => 'foo'));
// It knows that 'SomeTableName::someField is a boolean and will store the value as data-type that the underlying storage understands
// Free-form SQL
$query = 'SELECT [SomeTable::someField], [SomeTable::otherField], [OtherTable::foo]
FROM [SomeTable], [OtherTable]
WHERE [SomeTable::id] = [OtherTable::id]
AND [SomeTable::someField] = ?';
$searchResults = $storage->search($query, array($dataToBind), $someQueryOptions);
// Now iterate over the search results
// Iterate over results from getMapEntry
$searchResults = GalleryCoreApi::getMapEntry('SomeTableName', array('someField' => false, 'otherField' => 'foo'));
How a good example :)
wow i love some of these features, would we able to implement them in D7?
replacing ADOdb maybe a good idea if we are not talking about backward compatibility, e.g. drop PHP4 supporting. BTW, i guess ADOdb is always a good example for us to cloning with :)
on the other hand, seems those master/slave handling should belongs to database level, but not database abstraction level? most enterprise databases (says oracle) provide a complete solution for serve this needs, and this is also the filed of most database vendors fighting for. should we take away their duty? i guess not ;p